Saturday, November 5, 2011

Long time no see

Well its been awhile since anything was written here and a hellava lot has happened indeed. The art thing? Whats that? The teaching thing whats that? neither has really happened, or seems to be on hold at least. There has been an Earthquake or two in the garden city or the City that's munted which has decreased the chances of a teaching job.

So back to the postal service I went and ended up with a permanent position again. A permanent position is golden in these economic times. But future Father to be now as there is a Froby on its way. So a slight focus shift to assembling bassinets, rubbing bellys, reading baby books and attending antenatal classes. Keeping an eye on the vege garden too so we don't starve. Though you can actually buy veges in the supermarket still. might have to change the title of this blog, who blogs these days when you can tweet or facebook? If you read this you must blog too...