Saturday, November 5, 2011

Long time no see

Well its been awhile since anything was written here and a hellava lot has happened indeed. The art thing? Whats that? The teaching thing whats that? neither has really happened, or seems to be on hold at least. There has been an Earthquake or two in the garden city or the City that's munted which has decreased the chances of a teaching job.

So back to the postal service I went and ended up with a permanent position again. A permanent position is golden in these economic times. But future Father to be now as there is a Froby on its way. So a slight focus shift to assembling bassinets, rubbing bellys, reading baby books and attending antenatal classes. Keeping an eye on the vege garden too so we don't starve. Though you can actually buy veges in the supermarket still. might have to change the title of this blog, who blogs these days when you can tweet or facebook? If you read this you must blog too...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

First day at T coll felt like I was a bit of a Nigel no mates. Saw a few people already in their clicks but they probably already knew each other. As the day progressed however things changed as I eased into the scheme of things. Probably the biggest thing is a lot of other people having timetable issues. I'm pretty much sweet.

For one of my Professional studies Assignments I have to explain in detail my ideas on teaching and learning. What sort of teacher I wish to be, how I go about learning and explain what I think teaching is. For Education IT studies we're learning funnily enough how to make a blogs and wikis. Though can't do jack gee until Uni sorts their IT log on shit out. I will provide links to what we're learning through IT because it will be pretty much relevant.

Tomorrow will bring our first lessons on how to teach in our specialised subjects. Finally get to do a bit of Art which is the most important thing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In The Begining....

Wow a blog!, how spesh. Well the reason for this thing is to rediscover something I thought I may have lost. To portray some ideas, no matter how little and seemingly insignificant on this quest to re find/redefine my imagination.

I have spent a fair deal of my time /tax payers money on forging a career within the Visual arts. At 19 I decided on the most seemingly unlikely of places to learn to be an Artist. I enrolled at Greymouth's Tai Poutini polytechnic and spent 2 years doing a Diploma in Visual Arts. Greymouth automatically conjures up images of rain ,fishermen, miners and a place in a bit of a time warp which is all true but the landscape, rawness, down to earthism of the place and people certainly is a great help to anyone creatively inclined. It was a great adventure, though at times taxing on the heartstrings but life always has a strange way to sort itself out.

Then back over the hill to start a degree at CPIT. Designing things was the first thought but rulers and these goddamn forsaking things (computers) weren't for this soul. Fuck technology, I wanted to draw ,paint and print. Back to basic elements, things I knew I loved but never fully proved when at school. So Bachelor of Design as a Craft art major ( no not embroidery, knitting or crochet it's more or less Fine Arts with less theoretical wiffle woffle, "look what I can do, I can stick a piece of bluetack on a wall of a gallery" this will be covered in a another blog believe me. ) was to be my weapon of choice. Here my art become a whole lot darker. I only ever remember using black not sure if it had too much relevance to my surroundings or moods. But building a city on a swamp go figure.

Graduating with a Student loan, oh I mean a degree. I decided the best way was to find a job not a career that was time savvy to include a bit of Art, was to join the postal service. Perfect job for people with other things on the go in their lives. But a couple of gallery rejections (there goes that fucken blue tac again.) and certain amount of monotony has withered my creative process. Self doubt and other distractions (most of them good actually!) have crept in. Fellow students doing well and making names for themselves overseas makes greener monsters.

But something honourable did happen, the shining light of my Artistic career so far. The purchase of my final graduate piece for a price I named. My tutors showing faith in what i had created by purchasing my final piece.

Now times are a changing and I need to for my own sake to get off my arse and create. Recently I've enrolled at Teachers College to study once again. This time as an Art teacher to preach what i have learnt. This will be the greatest challenge as admittedly I have been away from the Art world lost a bit in a tide of uncreativism. I know to be able to teach I need to practise what I preach.